Thursday, October 22, 2009

The beginning & the ending

A fact no one can deny; setiap yang bermula, mesti akan ada penyudahnya. Setiap pertemuan juga mesti ada perpisahannya.

Thus, when i was ordered to stop doing what im doing now, it was like, i've been stabbed. The wound never been similar to a love wound. Ni luka yg lg pedih beb. Its a dignity and a pride. Calar tu terpahat sampai mati.

Tp tu la..aku insan kerdil. Im a commoner. Not people up there. I hv no voice to say things. So, as a kuli batak, i let go everything dgn hati yg sangatlah pedih dan sedih. Itulah hidup dan itulah tugas seorg kuli yg hakiki.

Now, im waiting for another news.

To those who understand what ive been through recently and at this moment, dont cry because its over. Smile because it happened.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My diet & SAY NO TO RICE!!

I want to diet!!

Oo gelak ek? Psl gelak? Tak baik tau mempersendakan niat suci I ni. Naper, tak percaya? Haha..not only u, I pun cudnt even believe myself for saying that. But this time now, trust me, its for real. Dulu-dulu tu aku tipu...dulu2 tu saja2 cakap...

Kenapa dan dan aku nak berdiet ni? Sebabnya my best buddy is getting married soon, end of February 2010. And what her big day has got to do wth my dietary plan? Haha..inilah part bestnya. Im gonna be her bridesmaid okey? Iyee..pengapit pengantin. Ala2 maid of honor gitu...

Jadinya, selaku pengapit pengantin, kenalah aku ni vogue the vass. Yg si kwn aku tu tadi dah sah2 org punya, tak ada sapa nk kerling dia dah. Jadi, aku yg single mingle ni selaku tukang kipas dan tukang lap peluh dia atas pelamin tu nanti, shud hv better look, slim melim setaraf dgn kwn aku tu, kena more comey and glamarous, good shining hair and those benda2 cantik tu perlu kelihatan pd diri aku on that beautiful day. Jadi, tak de la aku tersipu-sipu sgt diperhatikan org nnt. Hahaha..

Hence, dgn terpaksanya (read: TERPAKSA), i must reduce my weight. Jatuh hukum dah ni. No more important that that!! Ini namanya kecantikan melalui penderitaan.

Camner nk diet? Aku tau satu je paling penting, kalau aku tak mkn nasi, mesti berat aku turun. Yes, say no to rice, words yg sungguh relevan and common for me amongst my friends.. haha..iyer..aku tau korang tak percaya. Tengoklah a living proof. Haha..

People, look at me once upon a time. Gmbr kt bwh tu. Jgnkan korang, aku sendiri kagum dgn figure aku dulu. It was taken in September 2005. Yes, 4 thn lepas uols..dgn 45 kg or less!! Mau tak sentap tgk pic sendiri mcm ni.. uwaa...skrg ni berat aku? Tgk sendiri je la...malu nk ckp.

Kat mana those pant and shirt? Janganlah kecikkan hati aku wey...suar baju tu kalo aku sarungkan balik kt bdn skrg ni, jgn kata jd sarung nangka, aku yakin dan percaya yg incredible hulk akn beri gelaran dia tu kt aku sewenang-wenangnya! Haha.. kt ujung kaki aku pun lom tentu masuk seluar tu..

Kurus kan aku masa ni? Ni pic naik bot ke Pulau Redang. Jejaka membelakangi kamera tu tak de kena mengena dgn aku..tu drebar bot .kwn aku tak reti amik gmbr..

Yg plg aku suker nampak tulang kt bahu tu..uhuks..makan hati tgk ini pic..

Apa pun, to apply my SAY NO TO RICE motto, its a hard task. Amatlah payah. Mana tidaknya, Bangi ni syurga makanan. For us who are working here, this is the place where u cant say No to food, cant deny them, indeed. Everywhere got nice, delicious and super marvellous restaurant. Hari2 boleh tukar tmpt mkn. Hari ni tmpt lain..esok tmpt lain..

So, dont blame me for my `add on' lemak ni okey. I put the blame on my friends. Knowing me yg berjiwa penyayang dan tak boleh kata NO to friends, jadi tiap kali dorang ajak aku makan, aku dgn segera bangun melangkah dan tergedik2 pegi kantin or start enjin kereta pegi mkn kt luar. Kan menjaga hati org tu suci sifatnya. Jadi, salah aku lagikah? Jahatkan dorang? Babab nnt...
While weekends pulak, its my outing time. Bila dh outing tu, takkan setakat jalan2 beli baju, tgk wayang or ukur jalan je kan, mesti la masuk kedai makan. By doing that, takkan nak pandang deko kedai je, mau tokey kedai berkawad dpn mata.
Jadi, mestilah aku kena order..`can i have this..this or this for my breakfast, lunch, dinner & supper'. Hey..itu pun aku pergi dgn kwn2 not alone. So, got what i meant?
Salah aku lagi? Yes..betul tu...dorang yg salah. Haha...apa pun in 4 months, starts from today, im on diet. I will get my old 45 kg shape & figure. U all tgk la nnt..
Kalau diet aku tak jadi, blame my friends okey? (while writing this, aku tgh mengunyah serdak kuih raya yg ada balance sikit lg lps ni nk mkn apa pulak ek?) ... hahahaha
45 i come...

Hello world

Hello world and salam to all...
Semua org berblog sana sini, i guess i hv to join them too.. haha..lg pun ini tmpt yg paling sesuai utk bercerita. this blog is all about my life, my view, friends, enemy (??) or things that happened to me, a career woman (kononnya lah..) who is still single (yes, at this age!!). Haha...

Kalau org tak suka nak baca, suka hatilah... its about choice....tak suka dgr aku cerita...udah..dok diam2 or go to another blog...haha

but mind u, this isnt a political blog, neither a place to quarrel on any issues, nor caci mencaci. But im so much welcomed to kutuk-mengutuk those who want to share their view and to enjoy berblogging, here is the place. kita share cerita kita okey?

err...i choose this name coz i am mak usu to all my nieces and nephews. And also, looking for a nice-wealthy-brilliant-good looking pak usu! Hahahahaha...

Enjoy everyone..